Part 2 of 'The Bronze Ring' begins with the old woman at a fountain and ends with a wedding with a bunch of crazy thrown in the middle. TW animal cruelty and murder (kind of?).
Part 2 of 'The Bronze Ring' begins with the old woman at a fountain and ends with a wedding with a bunch of crazy thrown in the middle. TW animal cruelty and murder (kind of?).
We begin 2023 with a new start to a new book, "The Blue Fairy Book", and a story of love and loss and magic in 'The Bronze Ring'.
Today we have our last story for 2022 (and my favorite tradition) our annual reading of 'A Visit From St. Nicholas'. The podcast will bring you the most listened to episodes from the past year next week and then we'll start fresh in January!
Today we're bringing you a poem about apples and the tale of 'Johnny Appleseed' that is told to nearly every school aged child in the United States.
Vote on the format of the podcast in 2023.
This week we begin with a retelling of the Roman myth of 'Pomona'.
We end the week this week with two lovely poems - 'Autumn Fashions' and 'Pomona's Best Gifts'.
In 'A Legend of the Willow Tree' we find a tale of the compassion of an old willow and the hubris of a stately bamboo.
Today's story 'Coming and Going' is, on it's face, at tale about birds. But really it's a story about parenthood and that feeling you get raising children.
Our final stories for the week both feature kind old trees doing their best. This is 'The Kind Old Oak' and 'The Tree'.