Today is a special treat for those who like to hear me make silly noises as I work through my bird calls in 'Autumn Among the Birds'.
Today is a special treat for those who like to hear me make silly noises as I work through my bird calls in 'Autumn Among the Birds'.
Today we have two shorter tales, one featuring a kind tree who soothes 'The Anxious Leaf', and the other an origin story of the chestnut burr.
'Why the Autumn Leaves are Red' is one of those special kinds of origin stories that you really should listen to first before you share it with children. It's a little on the violent side.
Today we get a very short selection from 'The Topaz Story Book', including a really lovely poem by Robert Louis Stevenson.
In 'The Weeds' we learn how all of the wildflowers of the field spread their seeds.
Every so often in "The Topaz Story Book" we get a treat from a rather famous author. Today's tale of 'Queen Aster' comes from Louisa May Alcott.
Today's tales are about two flowers with magnificent properties, 'Pimpernel, the Shepherd's Clock' and 'A Legend of the Gentian'.
We begin the week with a lovely poem about the wild Aster and what can only be described as a love letter to the Silver-Rod.
We're finishing the week with two stories today, including another origin tale for the golden-rod that is a much, much darker version.
Today brings us the origin of the golden-rod, a magnificent autumnal flower, and a bonus poem by author Anna E. Skinner.