Today's brand new story from "Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore " is 'The Fool and the Birch-Tree'. A tale of three brothers, murder and riches.
All in Russian Folktale
Today's brand new story from "Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore " is 'The Fool and the Birch-Tree'. A tale of three brothers, murder and riches.
Today a very lucky Dan will share with you the twisted and twisting tale of 'Unlucky Daniel'.
Today's story of winter comes from Russia and tells the heartbreaking tale of a childless couple and their young snow maiden.
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'The Miser' is the story that convinced me to tell these Russian tales this week. It's the story of how the rich stay rich.
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'The Bad Wife' is a Russian story that reads like a 1960's sitcom plot, and I couldn't stop laughing the first time I read it.
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In the first of three stories from Russia this week, 'The Three Copecks', we meet a young orphan who gains riches by hard work and a good wife by his piety.
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For our final story from Russia this week we meet a Léshy, a creature with a propensity for abducting children.
In 'Wednesday' we learn that you shouldn't always ask for help from Mother Wednesday. Especially if it involves preparing your linen.
This week we're returning to one of my favorite books - "Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore" beginning with a story about what happens when you work on Friday.
'Two Out of the Knapsack' is a Russian version of 'The Ass, The Table, and The Stick' and stars my favorite version of the "old woman/wife" character ever.