Ep. 595 - Christmas Tree - A New Zealand Folktale

Ep. 595 - Christmas Tree - A New Zealand Folktale


Long ago the Piccaninnies didn't have a rag to their backs except a huia feather which they wore in their hair. They were the jolliest, tubbiest, brownest babies you ever saw with tiny nubbly knobs on their shoulders, as if they had started to grow wings and then changed their minds about it, and little furry pointed ears, as all wild creatures have. Only these were not wild, but very, very shy.

Where did they live? Oh, just anywhere—all about; among the fern, in the long grass, down on the sands, in all the places babies love to roll about in.

Ep. 596 - Fairy Tenderheart - A New Zealand Folktale

Ep. 596 - Fairy Tenderheart - A New Zealand Folktale

Ep. 594 - Catskin - An English Folktale

Ep. 594 - Catskin - An English Folktale