Ep. 575 - The Three Rhymesters - A Chinese Folktale

Ep. 575 - The Three Rhymesters - A Chinese Folktale


Once there were three daughters in a family. The oldest one married a physician, the second one married a magistrate; but the third, who was more than usually intelligent and a clever talker, married a farmer.

Now it chanced, once upon a time, that their parents were celebrating a birthday. So the three daughters came, together with their husbands, to wish them long life and happiness. The parents-in-law prepared a meal for their three sons-in-law, and put the birthday wine on the table. But the oldest son-in-law, who knew that the third one had not attended school, wanted to embarrass him.

Ep. 576 - The Halos of The Saints - A Chinese Folktale

Ep. 576 - The Halos of The Saints - A Chinese Folktale

Ep. 574 - Who Was the Sinner?

Ep. 574 - Who Was the Sinner?