Ep. 644 - Blondine Pt 10 - The Journey and Arrival - A French Folktale

Ep. 644 - Blondine Pt 10 - The Journey and Arrival - A French Folktale


The journey of Blondine lasted, as the Tortoise had[59] said, six months. They were three months passing through the forest. At the end of that time she found herself on an arid plain which it required six weeks to cross. Then Blondine perceived a castle which reminded her of that of Bonne-Biche and Beau-Minon. They were a full month passing through the avenue to this castle.

Blondine burned with impatience. Would she indeed learn the fate of her dear friends at the palace? In spite of her extreme anxiety, she dared not ask a single question. If she could have descended from the back of the Tortoise, ten minutes would have sufficed for her to reach the castle. But, alas! the Tortoise crept on slowly and Blondine remem[60]bered that she had been forbidden to alight or to utter a word. She resolved, therefore, to control her impatience. The Tortoise seemed rather to relax than to increase her speed. She consumed fourteen days still in passing through this avenue. They seemed fourteen centuries to Blondine. She never, however, lost sight of the castle or of the door. The place seemed deserted; she heard no noise, she saw no sign of life.

Ep. 645 - A Visit from St. Nicholas - A Christmas Folktale

Ep. 645 - A Visit from St. Nicholas - A Christmas Folktale

Ep. 643 - Blondine Pt 9, The Tortoise - A French Folktale

Ep. 643 - Blondine Pt 9, The Tortoise - A French Folktale