Ep. 495 - Teeny-Tiny - An English Folktale

Ep. 495 - Teeny-Tiny - An English Folktale


Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village. Now, one day this teeny-tiny woman put on her teeny-tiny bonnet, and went out of her teeny-tiny house to take a teeny-tiny walk. And when this teeny-tiny woman had gone a teeny-tiny way, she came to a teeny-tiny gate; so the teeny-tiny woman opened the teeny-tiny gate, and went into a teeny-tiny churchyard. And when this teeny-tiny woman had got into the teeny-tiny churchyard, she saw a teeny-tiny bone on a teeny-tiny grave, and the teeny-tiny woman said to her teeny-tiny self, 'This teeny-tiny bone will make me some teeny-tiny soup for my teeny-tiny supper.' So the teeny-tiny woman put the teeny-tiny bone into her teeny-tiny pocket, and went home to her teeny-tiny house.

Ep. 496 - Why the Tiger and the Stag Fear Each Other - A Brazilian Folktale

Ep. 496 - Why the Tiger and the Stag Fear Each Other - A Brazilian Folktale

Ep. 494 - Johnny-Cake - An English Folktale

Ep. 494 - Johnny-Cake - An English Folktale