Today's story (The Nibelungen Lied) is one of the most famous German stories around, and part of the basis for Wagner's "Ring Cycle".
Today's story (The Nibelungen Lied) is one of the most famous German stories around, and part of the basis for Wagner's "Ring Cycle".
'The Little Man at the Angels Pillar' is a tale in which a critic is put in his place in a most amusing way.
'The Cathedral Clock' is a story from Strassburg all about corrupt politicians and a truly magnificent piece of horology.
'The Toy of the Young Giantess' is a story that should be relatable for every parent out there - the tale of a child finding a marvelous toy that's not a toy at all.
'One Hour in Advance' may be one of the shortest tales I've brought you on The Folktale Project, but it's still one of my favorites from this collection.
'The Island of Mainau' is a story of the fight between love and obligation under the guise of the transfer of property rights.
'The Last Hohenrätier' is the story of the downfall of a tyrant on the Rhine. Definitely my kind of tale.
You voted, and I listened. Today we begin "Legends of the Rhine" - quite possibly my favorite collection of German folklore.
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TW: Racism. AAPI hate in America has a long history. This tale from L Frank Baum is a prime example of that history.
TW: Animal violence. 'The King of the Polar Bears' is a prime example of Baum going a bit overboard in the course of the tale, but landing on a great moral when all is said and done.