The ghost in 'A Misfit Ghost' is exactly the kind of specter you'd like to come across in real life. Pretty much the exact opposite of 'The Phantom Hag'.
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The ghost in 'A Misfit Ghost' is exactly the kind of specter you'd like to come across in real life. Pretty much the exact opposite of 'The Phantom Hag'.
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This week I have two new ghost stories for you, as well as our annual telling of 'The Legend of Stingy Jack'. Our first tale is a properly creepy ghost story from a small town in France.
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Our final Slavic tale of the week attempts a new way to teach the time honored lesson "If you're good and kind, you'll be rewarded. If you're rude, you'll send up dead." A bit on the harsh side for sure, but probably pretty effective in its own way.
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Today's Slavic folktale is a story of a husband and wife who love each other very much, and is very reminiscent of 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon'.
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This week we have three Slavic stories from a new book, "Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen", beginning with the tale of 'The Two Brothers'.
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Our final tale from the Brothers Grimm, 'The Star-Money', is a short tale that proves the Grimms are more than purveyors of dark fairy tales.
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'Ash-Maiden' is my absolute favorite version of the Cinderella tale, it combines and ground the magical elements you remember into something a bit difference and a bit better in my opinion.
This week I'm bringing you three new tales from the Brothers Grimm, beginning with the story of 'Bird-Found' a tale of young love and a witch.
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Our final story from Carl Sandburg's "Rootabaga Pigeons" this week is a special tale where instead of telling a story, we get to see the Potato Face Blind Man listen to a story from two tough pony girls.
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'How Pink Peony Sent Spuds, the Ballplayer, Up to Pick Four Moons' is a beautiful love story from Carl Sandburg, a refreshing change from Monday's tale.
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