'Thomas Berennikov' is a Russian hero in the mold of 'The Brave Little Tailor'.
All in Russian Folktale
'Thomas Berennikov' is a Russian hero in the mold of 'The Brave Little Tailor'.
In 'The Woman-Accuser' an old man holds onto his treasure by really knowing his wife, and thinking at least two steps ahead.
Our final story from Russia this week, 'Princess Helena the Fair', shows how important it is to honor one’s final wishes.
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The Russian folktale of 'Woe' is a story about just how far the personification of woe is willing to go in order to drive you to ruin.
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'One-Eyed Liklho' is an amazing Russian folktale, but definitely not for the little ones. If you're sharing this at bedtime the story of 'Morozko' would be much better.
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