Ep. 1182 - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, Pt. 4

Ep. 1182 - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, Pt. 4

There is a prince not far from here whose naime is Galifron, who once wanted to marry me, but when I refused he uttered the most terrible threats against me, and vowed that he would lay waste to my country. But what could I do? I could not marry a frightful giant as tall as a tower, who eats up people as a monkey eats chestnuts, and who talks so loud that anybody who has to listen to him becomes quite deaf. Nevertheless, he does not cease to persecute me and to kill my subjects. So before I can listen to your proposal you must kill him and bring me his head.’

Charming was rather dismayed at this command, but he answered: ‘Very well, Princess, I will fight this Galifron; I believe that he will kill me, but at any rate I shall die in your defence.’

Then the Princess was frightened and said everything she could think of to prevent Charming from fighting the giant, but it was of no use, and he went out to arm himself suitably, and then, taking little Frisk with him, he mounted his horse and set out for Galifron’s country.

Ep. 1183 - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, Pt. 5

Ep. 1183 - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, Pt. 5

Ep. 1181 - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, Pt. 3

Ep. 1181 - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, Pt. 3