Ep. 1118 - The Blue Fairy Book - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, Pt. 4

Ep. 1118 - The Blue Fairy Book - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, Pt. 4

The prince discovers the castle

They went into the great hall of looking-glasses, where they supped, and were served by the Princess’s officers, the violins and hautboys played old tunes, but very excellent, though it was now above a hundred years since they had played; and after supper, without losing any time, the lord almoner married them in the chapel of the castle, and the chief lady of honor drew the curtains. They had but very little sleep—the Princess had no occasion; and the Prince left her next morning to return to the city, where his father must needs have been in pain for him.

Ep. 1119 - The Blue Fairy Book - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, Pt. 5

Ep. 1119 - The Blue Fairy Book - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, Pt. 5

Ep. 1117 - The Blue Fairy Book - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, Pt. 3

Ep. 1117 - The Blue Fairy Book - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, Pt. 3