Ep. 1042 - Legends of the Rhine - Genovefa, Pt. 2

Ep. 1042 - Legends of the Rhine - Genovefa, Pt. 2


Genovefa's tired feet wandered through the unknown forest, her child crying with hunger. She prayed fervently to Heaven in her despair, and tears were sent to relieve the dull pain in her heart, after which she felt more composed, and her child was soon sweetly slumbering. To her great astonishment she perceived a cavern near her, where she could take shelter, and as if God wished to show that He had heard her prayer, a white doe came towards the cavern, rubbing herself caressingly against the abandoned woman. Willingly the gentle animal allowed the little child to suckle it. The next day the doe came back again, and Genovefa thanked God from the depths of her heart. She found roots, berries, and plants, to support herself, and every day the tame doe came back to her, and at last remained always with her.

Days, weeks, and months passed. Her unfaltering faith had rendered her agony less. In time she learned to forgive her husband who had condemned her unjustly, and she even pardoned him who had taken such bitter revenge on her. Her lovely cheeks had become thinner, but the forest winds had breathed a soft red into them, and the child who had no cares nor gnawing pain in its heart, grew into a beautiful little boy.

Ep. 1043 - Legends of the Rhine - The Old Knight and His Daughters

Ep. 1043 - Legends of the Rhine - The Old Knight and His Daughters

Ep. 1041 - Legends of the Rhine - Genovefa, Pt. 1

Ep. 1041 - Legends of the Rhine - Genovefa, Pt. 1