Ep. 983 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 12

Ep. 983 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 12

The dwarfs celebrated the coronation of their first princess by festivals and rejoicings. In their perfect simplicity they played games at random in the huge amphitheatre, and the little men, with a sprig of fern or two oak leaves neatly fixed in their hood, went leaping joyfully along the subterranean streets. The rejoicings lasted thirty days. In his intoxication Pic had the look of an inspired mortal; the good Tad was enraptured with the general happiness; the tender Dig gave himself the pleasure of shedding tears; Rug, in his joy, again proposed that Bee should be put in a cage that the dwarfs might not fear losing so delightful a princess; Bob, riding on his crow, filled the air with such joyful cries that the bird itself grew merry, and gave forth wild little croaks.

Ep. 984 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 13

Ep. 984 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 13

Ep. 982 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 11

Ep. 982 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 11