Ep 978 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 7

Ep 978 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 7

Bee went forward on the gravel between two clumps of willows, and in front of her the little genius of the place jumped into the water and made rings on its surface, which grew larger and larger till they vanished. This genius was a little green frog with a white stomach. All was silent: A fresh breath of wind swept over that clear lake, of which each wave rose in a gracious and smiling fold.

"This is a pretty lake," said Bee, "but my feet are bleeding in my little torn slippers, and I am very hungry. I wish I was in the castle."

"Little sister," said George, "sit on the grass. I am going to wrap your feet in leaves to cool them; then I will go and look for supper for you. I saw up there, close to the road, briars black with berries. I will bring you the largest and sweetest in my hat. Give me your handkerchief, I will fill it with strawberries, for there are plants close by the edge of the path, under the shade of the trees. And I will fill my pockets with nuts."

He made a bed of moss for Bee near the side of the lake, under a willow, and went off.

Ep. 979 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 8

Ep. 979 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 8

Ep. 977 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 6

Ep. 977 - Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Chapter 6