Ep. 887 - Watanabé cuts off the Oni's Arm - A Japanese Legend

Ep. 887 - Watanabé cuts off the Oni's Arm - A Japanese Legend


When the capital of Japan was the city of Kioto, and the mikado dwelt in it with all his court, there lived a brave captain of the guard named Yorimitsu, who belonged to the famous Minamoto family. He was also called Raiko, and by this name he is best known to all the boys and girls in Great Japan. Under Captain Raiko were three brave guardsmen, one of whom was named Watanabé Tsuna. The duty of these men-at-arms was to watch at the gates leading to the palace.

It had come to pass that the blossom capital had fallen in a dreadful condition, because the guards at the other gates had been neglected. Thieves were numerous and murders were frequent, so that every one in the city was afraid to go out into the streets at night. Worse than all else, was the report that oni or imps were prowling around in the dark to seize people by the hair of the head. Then they would drag them away to the mountains, tear the flesh off their bones, and eat them up.

The worst place in the city, to which the horned imps came oftenest, was at the south-western gate called the Rajo-mon.

To this post of danger, Raiko sent Tsuna, the bravest of his guards.

Ep. 888 - Friday - A Russian Folktale

Ep. 888 - Friday - A Russian Folktale

Ep. 886 - The Tengus, or the Elves with Long Noses - A Japanese Legend

Ep. 886 - The Tengus, or the Elves with Long Noses - A Japanese Legend