Ep. 878 - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood Pt. 2 - A French Folktale

Ep. 878 - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood Pt. 2 - A French Folktale


Scarcely had he approached the wood, when all those great trees, all those brambles and thorns, made way for him to pass of their own accord. He walked towards the castle, which he saw at the end of a long avenue he had entered, and he was somewhat surprised to find that none of his people had been able to follow him, the trees having closed up again as soon as he had passed. Nevertheless, he continued to advance; a young prince, inspired by love, is always courageous. He came to a large fore-court, where everything he saw might well have frozen his blood with terror. A frightful silence reigned around; death seemed everywhere present; on every side, nothing to be seen but the bodies of men and animals stretched out, apparently lifeless. He soon discovered, however, by the shining noses and red faces of the porters, that they were only asleep; and their goblets, in which still remained a few drops of wine, sufficiently proved that they had dozed off whilst drinking.

He next passed through a large courtyard paved with marble, ascended the staircase, and entered the guard-room, where the guards stood, drawn up in line, their carbines shouldered, and snoring their loudest. He traversed several rooms with ladies and gentlemen all asleep, some standing, others seated. At last he came to one covered with gold, and there on a bed, the curtains of which were open on either side, he saw the most lovely sight he had ever looked upon—a Princess, who appeared to be about fifteen or sixteen, and whose dazzling beauty shone with a radiance which scarcely seemed to belong to this world. He approached, trembling and admiring, and knelt down beside her.

Ep. 879 - How Googler and Gaggler, the Two Christmas Babies, Came Home with Monkey Wrenches Pt. 1 - An American Fairytale

Ep. 879 - How Googler and Gaggler, the Two Christmas Babies, Came Home with Monkey Wrenches Pt. 1 - An American Fairytale

Ep. 877 - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood Pt. 1 - A French Folktale

Ep. 877 - The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood Pt. 1 - A French Folktale