Ep. 727 - Man and the Alan

Ep. 727 - Man and the Alan


A Tinguian was once walking along a trail in the wood when he heard a strange sound in a large tree near him, and looking up he was startled to see that it was the home of the Alan—spirits who live in the wood.

He stopped and gazed for a moment at the horrible creatures, large as people, hanging from the limbs of the tree with their heads down like bats. They had wings to fly, and their toes were at the back of their feet, while their long fingers, which pointed backward, were fastened at the wrist.

Ep. 728 - The Alan and the Hunters - A Philippine Folktale

Ep. 728 - The Alan and the Hunters - A Philippine Folktale

Ep. 726 - A Story About A Test of Skill - A Hausa Folktale

Ep. 726 - A Story About A Test of Skill - A Hausa Folktale