Finally we get to the end of 'Little Thumb'. The ogre has chased the brothers right to their father's doorstep, but will he finally catch him?
Finally we get to the end of 'Little Thumb'. The ogre has chased the brothers right to their father's doorstep, but will he finally catch him?
In the second to last part of the story of 'Little Thumb' the seven brothers find their way out of the frying pan and into the fire.
In today's episode of 'Little Thumb' the brothers find their way through the forest to a lonely house. A lonely house that just so happens to have a very unfortunate owner.
In Part 2 of 'Little Thumb' we'll find out the fate of the faggot maker's seven sons, at least as far as he and his wife are concerned.
Today we're going to begin a new story, then next in "The Blue Fairy Book". It's the tale of a cunning your man named 'Little Thumb'.
Today we have the conclusion of 'The Wonderful Sheep'. I warned you that it was a sad story when we began, but now you'll see just how sad it really is.
In the penultimate episode in the story of 'The Wonderful Sheep' our story continues to mirror 'Beauty and the Beast' with the young Princess Miranda leaving the King of the Sheep to attend her sister's wedding.
In today's episode we discover how the King of the Sheep became a sheep himself, and get some very solid (especially for a fairy tale) ground rules for how and when to break the curse.
In today's part of 'The Wonderful Sheep' we learn the backstory of the great King of the Sheep.
In Part 3 of 'The Wonderful Sheep' we get a bit of a respite from all of the death and persecution in Parts 1 and 2. And we finally meet the titular King of the Sheep!