In part 2 of 'The Terrible Head' we'll discover which classical Greek myth we've found ourselves in.
In part 2 of 'The Terrible Head' we'll discover which classical Greek myth we've found ourselves in.
Today we begin a new tale, one deeply rooted in Roman and Greek mythology.
Will the Prince save his maiden and her sisters? Will he become a crab to save her from being a water-lily?
The Prince will seek out help from the birds and discover how to cure the maiden from the curse.
Today we'll discover what happens to the maiden and the Prince when the witch's curse catches up with them.
In today's tale the young maiden is rescued by the handsome Prince, but who will rescue them both from the witch?
Today we being a new story, 'The Water-lily. The Gold-spinners' and discover some very talented sisters.
Today we discover the fate of the White Cat, the Prince and all of his brothers. Will the King finally give away his kingdom?
Will the Prince cut off the head of the White Cat? Will he finally inherit the kingdom from his father the King?
The Prince heads back to the palace with a full escort and a promise of the finest muslin inside of a walnut shell, but will the White Cat deliver again?