In the third interlude in the retelling of the tale of Waverley 'Being Mainly a Few Words Upon Heroes' we find the children of our narrator really beginning to become enthralled with the story.
In the third interlude in the retelling of the tale of Waverley 'Being Mainly a Few Words Upon Heroes' we find the children of our narrator really beginning to become enthralled with the story.
In 'Misfortunes Never Come Single', the final portion of the third story in the tale of Waverley, our young hero has trial upon trial hoisted upon him.
In the first story of the third tale of the "Red Cap Tales" retelling of 'Waverley', young Edward meets the Chief of the Mac-Ivor clan and his beautiful sister.
In the second interlude of action in "Red Cap Tales", the boys will retell the story of the cannibal Sawney Bean in order to scare their little sister.
In the second chapter of the second story in the "Red Cap Tales" retelling of 'Waverley' our young hero travels to the Highlands to meet with Donald Bean Lean.
In the opening chapter of the second story in the "Red Cap Tales" retelling of 'Waverley' the young Waverley learns about the politics of the Scottish Highlands and that he's not quite as brave as he thinks.
In Chapter 3 of the first story in the "Red Cap Tales" the young Waverley meets the Baron Bradwardine and his companions, gets insulted and so much more.
In Chapter 2 of the first story in the "Red Cap Tales" retelling of "Waverley" our young hero finds his way to Castle Bradwardine.
In the first chapter of the first story in the "Red Cap Tales" retelling of "Waverley" we meet the subject of the tale and get a quick glimpse into his life and disposition.
"Red Cap Tales" is something unique - a retelling of some of the great works of Sir Walter Scott to entice the children of our author to read the originals.